Types of Photovoltaic Installations.
The objective of today, is to initiate you in the type of installations that can be made with solar panels. For this, nowadays there are two big groups as a starting point:
1º Photovoltaic installations with connection to the network:
This type of installation is characterised by being connected to the network, which assimilates all the surplus energy generated by the system. The whole system is managed through the energy inverter. There are two ways of using this type of installation.
The first one is with the objective of saving in the light bill. In this way, the inverter accounts for all the surplus energy that we put into the grid, and this has a positive effect on the amount to be paid on the next bill. Besides, the energy we consume while our panels are generating, is cheaper than if we use the one from the electric network.
In the moments when there is no energy generation by the panels. We will have the option of using the electricity through the connection to the network, so we will always have the supply guaranteed. This type of installation is commonly referred to as "self-consumption".
The second is a solar farm, thanks to which our solar panels generate energy with the aim of achieving an economic benefit. In this way, what we do is pour the surplus energy into the network, and the electricity company rewards us for it.
2º Solar installations without connection to the network:
In this case, all the energy generated by our installation must be stored, since they are not connected to the network. The most common option, is to have stationary batteries, in which to store the excess of energy for its later consumption.
This type of solar installation is called "isolated installation". The operation is simple, the energy produced by the solar panels follows two ways. The first one is to be consumed directly. And the second is, the surplus of energy is stored in the mentioned batteries. With which, at the moment in which our photovoltaic panels do not generate energy, we use the one stored in our batteries.
In this way, we do not need to have a connection to the electricity network, although on the contrary, if we exhaust the charge in our batteries, we will return directly to the stone age. For this, it is always recommended to have a fossil fuel generator, with which we can always ensure the flow of energy.
There is also a third type of photovoltaic solar installation.
This type of installation is called "Hybrid". This is so, because it joins all the components, so much solar panels, as batteries, including also a connection to the electrical net.
What do we achieve with this?
Normally during the day, the energy expenditure is not very high because the houses (except for remote workers) are not at full capacity, so the system is dedicated to collecting energy and storing it in the batteries. Once the sun goes out, and the activity at home increases, we can work both with the panels, and with the energy stored in the batteries.
Finally, if we go through a period of low solar influence, if necessary, we will use our connection to the network to supply ourselves.
Of course, at Solaremobility we are experts in each of these installations, and we can give you personalised quotes without obligation if you are interested.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.